It is scientifically proven how the presence of some of the toxic chemicals contained in non-natural skin care (absorbed by the body through the skin) is connected to health issues such as skin allergies, irritations, cancer, infertility and reproductive problems, birth defects and learning disabilities.

Unfortunately, the harms and damages caused by the chemicals contained in body care products that we use daily are not limited to our own health, but they also have a strong impact on fetuses and children.

They are transmitted to the baby during its intrauterine life through the womb, the placental cord and bloodstream while, after birth, through the food chain (e.g. though breastfeeding), dermal exposure and skin contact. (1) These substances may influence the neurological, hormonal and immunological development of infants, which may present congenital abnormalities and suffer of other health problems later in life.

The skin of children absorb up to 90% of what is applied on it: the difference in proportion in comparison to adults increases the dermal exposure of children, reinforced by a higher chance to have cuts and exposed skin.(2)

Making informed choices when it comes to taking care of our skin and the one of our children clearly is an important contribution towards a healthier life.

Ingredients such as Phenoxyethanol (contained even in baby-wipes) can cause skin irritations and eczema, as well as affect the functionality of the central nervous system. Parabens – mimicking the effect if estrogen in the body – are carcinogenic and they can contribute to the development of breast cancer cells. A study published in 2012 by the University of Reading (UK) stated how 99% of the participants affected by breast cancer presented Paraben accumulations in the tissue of their tumors.

Chemical-free, natural skincare products constitute a healthier, better alternative to contrast the accumulation of toxic chemicals in our body and in the prevention of hormonal, developmental and health issues.

(1) Ünüvar, T., & Büyükgebiz, A. (2012). Fetal and Neonatal Endocrine Disruptors. Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology, 4(2), 51–60
(2) 1989 report by the Natural resources Defense Council, in D. Mellowship, „Toxic Beauty: The hidden chemicals in cosmetics and how they can harm us“, Hachette UK, 2 Feb 2009